unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Living Unhurried #35 - Celebrate!

We celebrate things like birthdays, anniversaries and sports team victories.
 Are you too hurried to enjoy the life God is giving? 
Consider thanking Him by partying well!

I do not celebrate life enough because, well, I'm too busy and often, I try to make the celebration way too elaborate. Consider these questions and respond with whatever wells up in your heart to do or say!

  • When was the last time you celebrated something or someone?
  • What was a favorite celebration in your life? Describe what made that celebration memorable. What does that say about your needs in regard to celebrating well?
  • What keeps you from celebrating life, friends, self, God, and loved ones?
  • What needs a little celebration in your heart and life?
  • Even if it is only for a half hour, plan to celebrate something profound (or seemingly ridiculous) next week. Take a walk, go dancing, bake your favorite cake, uncork some bubbly, laugh, fingerpaint a card and give it to your kid (or a kid at heart) - and celebrate, at the minimum, that you are Loved! 
And let me know what you celebrated!

Join the Unhurried Revolution!


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