unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Living Unhurried #34

At lunch today, think of a person (or persons) who inspire you - they could be historical figures or contemporaries - personal acquaintances, or people who you've admired from afar. For 5 minutes, list out what inspires you about their life/lives? What have they chosen to do (and not to do) that has earned your respect?

With open hands, sit silently and listen to God's responses to these questions:
  • "How does this connect to my heart and life?"  
  • "What are you inviting me toward?"
Note: If self-condemnation or jealousy from comparison arises, ask God to reveal to you how He sees you and loves you. And remember, a condemning voice is not from God (Rom 8:1)

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