unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

reFresh retreats

The Lovely DreamGiver's Inn - site of reFresh retreats

Come enjoy the Lord in a beautiful setting with space to wander,
nooks in which to write and reflect,
warm wondrous food served and lingered over.

A day with a rhythm of worship
with no need to take care of anyone else.

A day (or weekend)  to enjoy the Lord and be glad...
to lean in and pay attention.

A day to break the breakneck speeds
and take deep breaths
and return to a heart of wonder and gratefulness.

These are all things that the 175+ people who have attended reFresh
have said about their investment into creating space for God.

For more info go to the reFresh homepage 

ACT Journey - a 2 year deeper journey info

Want to buy someone a gift certificate for a reFresh? Click here