unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Unhurry Up™ #94

I think I'll bank with these guys...I do believe they are singing my song! What a surprising place to find an Unhurry Up™ slogan - a delightful reminder as I was scurrying along (not) in traffic! (Even I struggle with living unhurried - which is probably why I blog about it so often!)

This week, consider having a talk around the dinner table with your family and/or friends - here are a few good discussion starters:

  • "What makes you feel cared for?" As you listen to one another - are there any common threads?

  • "How do you sense God's care of you? Name one specific instant of His care you encountered this past week.

  • "What compels you to care for others? What deters you from that?"

  • What might God be inviting you toward?
Maybe each person can share the invitation they sense God inviting them toward and how they hope to integrate into the week an increased sense of paying attention to how they are caring for themselves, others or God. What is one thing that might help you be better at caring? Try that daily for 2 weeks and see what happens!

Join the Unhurried Revolution!

Unhurry Up™ 



Megan Clark said...

The image link is broken or something....can't see it! :(

Bill O'Byrne said...

Can't see the graphic! Hey do you have a "statement" for the Unhurried Revolution?

paula gamble said...

I've got it fixed! You should be able to see the picture now!

paula gamble said...

Hey Bill - not sure what you mean by a statement...but believing that love and hurry are fundamentally incompatible, unhurry up seeks to foster unhurriedness as a means/gateway to deeper intimacy with God, self and others...

Bill O'Byrne said...

Every campaign has its platform, every revolution its manifesto, its call to radical action. And that is what you wrote. Enough with loveless busyness! Taking breaks in our hurriedness must lead on to a different attitude towards life, and a different way of living in and for love! It's hard because it is countercultural; it's the "fight to stop fighting". It's hard but it's good.

paula gamble said...

Good words my friend! I tell most people that to live this way - in unhurriedness and intimacy (as you well know) is like swimming upstream. Not easy, not popular, but you know deep within you it's the right way to be moving! Yes, enough with loveless busyness! Touche!