unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Unhurry Up™ #93

I've read two blogs this week of people partaking in a digital sabbatical. One gal, Gwen Bell, (a social media expert trying to help people live in balance with technology) offers her reflections after the month of disconnecting. The second gal, Jen Louden, (a life coach who encourages folk to find their unique voice and rhythm) offers her reflections before undertaking this month in a digital sabbatical.

Regardless of their beliefs and/or reasonings for partaking -
  • in what ways would doing something similar help you to be more reflective vs. merely responsive? 
  • As you even consider the idea of disconnecting, what feelings well up within you? Are they more of fear or of excitement? 
  • What do you imagine/look forward to in connecting more deeply to your family, friends, self, church body? If you don't, ask God, "What is the block?"
  • Do you think you might have a more honest relationship with God, yourself, others and your work as a result? Why or why not?
Perhaps it is "impossible" to totally disconnect, but both give some decent guidelines and tips to unplugging - setting and honoring limits. (e.g. at work only; not after 6pm; having a trusted friend/relative screen emails for you etc.) What positive things will you add in place of that time? Take a painting class? Learn Karate? Walk more trails? Plant and tend a garden? Visit the elderly in an assisted living facility? Volunteer time to help out at your church?

Personally, I'm thinking of doing something along these lines the second half of August...no Unhurry Up™ posts, no facebook updates, no email. Is that possible anymore? I admit I'm intrigued, but fearful of not being "connected" - will people forget about me? Will the unhurried revolution continue on? Oh how easily I believe in my own indispensability. Yet, for the sake of my soul, I think some form of a digital sabbatical is in order. Anyone want to join me?

Join the Unhurried Revolution!

Unhurry Up™


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