unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is the goal of our spiritual lives?

My friend and former co-worker Tom Ashbrook has written an amazing book, Mansions of the Heart, where he offers a beautiful vision of the "so much more" that God offers on a journey toward His heart of Love.

Tom writes,
"The goal [of Christianity] we choose as the primary one becomes the lens through which we see and interpret the person of God and our spiritual experience" (p. 20).

What do you think is the "goal" of the Christian journey?

If it is to just "stop sinning" - how would that lens color how you see God and what activities you involve yourself in? If it is to merely gain "fire insurance" - how will God be relevant to you in your daily ordinary relationships and activities? If the goals is to be "missional" - who is God to you? What if the goal is to be united with Christ in Love?

  • How does your perceived/stated goal of the Christian journey impact how you order your daily life? 
  • According to your goal, what role does God play? In this goal is God more a judge? A power source for doing more effective ministry?

What if the goal of the Christian journey is a transforming love relationship with God...how would that effect/order your daily life? What would God's primary role be?

If in your journey things are not working quite like you expected - and/or if you are experiencing a bit of frustration and feel out of sorts, give Tom's book a read. You'll be delighted to read of the "so much more" that God has in store for His beloved ones.

You can also check out more about the ministry Tom is involved in at www.imagochristi.org - and if you're in the Portland area, check into joining us on a Discovery conference Jan 25-27th, 2011.


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