unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Friday, November 12, 2010

Habits of Health - reorienting God's gift of life toward health

As I've journeyed over these past 4.5 months with a eye to be attentive to my physical health and to reorient my life toward healthy living, I have had the tremendous support of an amazing health coach (and she's free!) As I approach having only 11 pounds left to reach my goal, I was gladly reminded in an email from her this morning that reaching the goal is just the beginning of a new way of living healthfully. We've only just begun baby!

Here's what Kathryn sent:
 85% regain their weight within 2 years. . .
That is if they are on a diet.  Are you on a diet? 

If you are living with an internal dialogue in which you hear the plaintive "I can't". . .

If you are looking forward to your target weight like a runner looks for the finish line. . .

If with every pound lost you are both more relieved and also. . .  uh well honestly. . . less motivated. . .(don't worry, that's normal!)Then you are most likely still living in that short run system AKA the punitive diet mode.

(Beware - here comes a long sentence that might be worth reading twice): 

TSFL (Take Shape For Life) offers a whole new way of thinking and living that comes from the heart. . . from our own personal drives and desires that propel us ever forward with the same power of an arrow shot from a taut bow string -- force and direction.  Now that's not a diet, but velocity for life! 

How's the velocity of your life in the area of your physical body?

What I've enjoyed most is that I have been generous to both body and soul by intentionally seeking ways to care for myself physically. I admit, as I transition into a new stage, I'm nervous. But thankfully I have the community I need to continue to live with a velocity for life!

Here are a couple of resources that I have been/will continue to work through as I reorient my life toward health in every facet. Feel free to contact Kathryn if you have any questions or want to explore the desire to care for your soul by caring for your body.

Dr. A's Habits of Health along with the companion work book bring a comprehensive insight and strategy toward reorienting your life toward health - in losing weight, gaining strength and flexibility, increasing energy to live life in a fully attentive and present manner!

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