unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Unhurry Up™ #90

"How we spend our days, 
is of course how we spend our lives."
~Annie Dillard

Indeed, how might reordering your days reorder your life? Reflect on the questions below:

  • What adjectives would you use to describe your day today? Do words like "fun," "restful," "inspiring" rise to the top? Or was it "busy" "overwhelming" and chaotic?
  • What three adjectives would you like to have describe your life? (Try doing this as a family too - what adjectives do you want to have describe your family's life together?)
  • Pick a day this week where you plan activities that will cultivate the adjectives you want to describe your life. 
Let me know how it goes - what adjectives do you want to have describe you and your family's lives?

Join the Unhurried Revolution!

Unhurry Up™


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