unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Friday, July 23, 2010

Living Unhurried #86

"Ministry burnout results in part from a failure to make enough space for rest, for creative expression, but mostly for unhurried, uninterrupted relationship with God and others. These are the water and oil that help our ministry engines [whether your a Ferrari or a Vespa] continue to function well over time."
~Alan Fadling (of the leadership institute)

Where can you make time this month for rest?
For creative expression?
For uninterrupted relationship with God and family?

Schedule these things in as important, non-negotiable "appointments" on your calendar. If you're unsure of how to spend extended time with the Lord, email me, and I'll help you plan your day. OR come join me on a reFresh day retreat.

Unhurry Up!
Join the Unhurried Revolution!



Bill O'Byrne said...

I haven't been able to get this out of my mind reworded as a positive definition of spirituality: When we make enough space for rest, for creative expression, and unhurried, uninterrupted relationship, we grow closer to God and each other. Intimacy breeds intimacy: with oneself, with each other, with God. Sauntering, writing a song, listening to another.

paula gamble said...

Now dat's quotable - thanks, I like it!