unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Living Unhurried #66

Make someone glad they saw you today.

What might that look like? 
  • Can you linger a few minutes longer to tell someone how proud you are of them?
  • Can you pop by a friends with a bag of groceries or a Safeway gift card...
  • Can you mow a neighbor's lawn?
  • Ask the grocery store checker what has been a highlight of his/her day...
  • Offer to take your single woman friend's car to get an oil change
  • Smile, hug, and express your specific gratitude to each member of your present family

Yes - all these things take time...because LOVE and Hurry are incompatible...

Unhurry up - Join the Unhurried Revolution!



Cheryl said...

Thanks for the reminder. I am "On it."

Anonymous said...

"Love and hurry are incompatible..." What a great reminder to take a few moments to make someone's day special.Thank you for writing these, Paula. Have I told you lately how proud I am of you? :)

paula gamble said...

Ah shucks Jean, you are so obedient to living unhurried. Thanks friend! I am blessed by you and love who you are.
Enjoy the great day - I'm sure you are making many happy to see you - I think that's what you do in your job, actually!