unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Releasing a deep, deep joy...


In the midst of all the "preparations" for Christmas, the ones besides preparing room in my heart for Him, I am far too easily overwhelmed, sidetracked and find myself slipping down into a subtle malaise.While busily preparing for Christmas, I am missing the whole point of it...and certainly the joy of it. If I unjoyfully decorate, wrap gifts and am frustrated with the joyful and attentive, but dreadfully slow, checkout clerk then something's not quite right.

I'm saddened by how easily this happens - how much more I long to be meaningfully and joyfully present to each moment of my day. To treasure the moments...to practice what I preach.

So yesterday, I caught myself spinning down, down, downward ... and this was especially so after coming home from a multi-day media free retreat and being slammed by emails, unpaid bills, and Christmas planning.

I started sinking...until...

I put on some music and just started dancing!

That's right - not even Christmas music! There was a little Chris Tomlin, Bruce Hornsby and Gungor. And guess what...joy returned.
Joy spilled over!
Joy in my soul seemed to be released as I moved my body!

So today, take five minutes. Put on your favorite "feel good" music and move! Invite the whole family to frolic together...to let loose...and see if just maybe moving your body will release a deep joy in your soul.

Maybe intend to start each day between now and Christmas with a little dance...see if that makes any difference in your day. Let me know what happens!

Joy to the world...and heaven and nature sing...and dance...and frolic...


1 comment:

sacred journeys Hawaii said...

I love Chris Tomlin too..
Specially his "Chosen generation"