unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Joy to the world, the Lord is come...
let earth receive her King
Let every heart, prepare Him room...

What has been your most recent "outburst"? I think mine was on the freeway...some idiot...well, you know...

But seriously -

What is so deeply embedded in you that it bursts out in joyful celebration?

When was the last time you burst out in anything - was it joy, or rage, or excitement of a touchdown at a football game? The things that burst out of us expose what is in our hearts. The things that irrepressibly come forth from us divulge, whether we like it or not, what we love.

As you enter this day - pay attention to your desire to have joy in your life. How might you cultivate this life of bursting with joy?

Isaac Watts, the author of the famed Christmas carol, Joy to the World, gives us a clue:

Let every heart prepare Him room.
Let every heart prepare Him
Let every heart prepare
Let every heart
Let every

Which means you have a choice to open your heart...to prepare your heart...to receive His coming...and to burst out with a joyful song, dance or "oh yeah!" when He comes to make His blessings known.

During Advent God does the coming...everyday...our job is to do the "letting" the "receiving" the "preparing." What is one small way the Lord might be inviting you to do that today?


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