unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Monday, October 18, 2010

An interesting question...

I briefly attended a leadership conference this past week. (I admit, I ducked out before it was finished because I was just too tired to sit there and listen...)

One of the questions that was posed to participants was this:
"How have your beliefs influenced your policies and productivity?"
While understanding that beliefs ought to trickle down to influence policies and productivity, I have found the latter two suspiciously minimized over the last year and a half of responding to God's invitation to walk in His unforced rhythms of grace on a journey of transformation

As others shared about ramping up policies and productivity to be better stewards of God's resources and giftings, by the world's standards, perhaps I look like a naive freeloader:
  • Policies: intentionally cooperate with God by creating unhurried space to hear His voice, linger in His presence, open my heart to trust His love and leading. Oh, and some folks who hang out with me might also add: "Thou shalt not 'should' on thyself"
  • Productivity: respond to what He invites me to (with all my heart, soul, mind and strength).
Perhaps this is too simple. Perhaps I am naive. I know I have much more to learn, but find my soul a little ruffled to find leaders discussing "productivity" and "Christianity" in the same breath. Fruit comes from abiding...

I'm wondering how you would answer this question?

Peace and Good

Unhurry Up™


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