unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Wednesday, October 04, 2006



it cannot be conjured up.
I can be delighted after eating an amazing 5 course Italian dinner complete with Brunello and Limoncella. But I cannot muster up delight after eating pig's throat...even with the tasty garlic sauce. (Yes, I've had both meals)

You can say, "I'll choose to be happy" or "I'll choose to be positive." But you cannot say, "I will choose to delight."

Delight is a result of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling or even remembering something.
What has delighted me recently have been the leaves of the trees changing colors and the tomatoes, still ripening on my vines. Tonight at dinner, I was delighted by watching a mother and her toddler son sit closely, laugh, and eat together.

Blessed is the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord...

I cannot conjure up delight for the Lord. But as I read about his intentional pursuit of me - his unfailing love, his perfect plan and provision, I find delight welling in my heart. I find myself delighted to be the object of his mercy and affection.

Delight is that settled satisfaction that breeds hope. It comes, usually, in coordination with "stopping" or "being still" long enough to allow your senses to engage with the world.
Stop to smell the roses
Stop multitasking in order to listen to the wild imagination of an 8 year old, or the undending "why" questions of a 4 year old.
It comes when curiosity is roused, and imagination is given time to wander.
Delight by lingering...savoring...smiling....listening...holding longer the ones you love...leaving a voice message saying, "I'm thinking of you - I love you - I miss you" ...read some poetry, wander through a pumpkin patch on a rainy day...get on the floor with the frolicking puppies...embrace the one you love...embrace the one that's hard to love...

Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.



Anonymous said...

my 9 yr old was laughing heartily and talking to himself yesterday morning while in the bathroom. i thought about how happy he was just being himself. i delighted in his joy; that was the "lightest" part of my day. smile. thanks for the reminders. love, v.a.

paula gamble said...

smiling with you - any others have "delightful" tales to share...?