unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Last week I momentarily thought, "I want to go to the coast on Monday and Tuesday to celebrate my 22nd anniversary of walking with the Lord."

That of course was quickly followed by my list of "Buts..."
I can't afford it...it's short notice...even if I could, there's no one to go with me...I guess I'll just figure out something here.

The very next morning there was an email in my inbox from a Campus Crusade staff friend: "Paula, would you like to join us at the coast on Monday and Tuesday next week? Free housing and meals!"


God outdid himself - I got to celebrate with 13 other stellar women of God. The sun even came out on Monday (and for those who've been in the PNW, you know what a miracle that in itself was!)

So - I am reveling in the fact that I am loved - that this little heart cry was heard...that my "Buts" that seem enormous to me are nothing for the Lord to exceed abundantly!

Psalm 90 in the message says:
"Surprise us with love at daybreak; then we'll skip and dance all the day long...Let your servants see what you're best at - the ways you rule and bless your children. And let the loveliness of our Lord, our God, rest on us, confirming the work that we do. Oh, yes. Affirm the work that we do!"

And he did...and he does...

Skipping through the week....



Anonymous said...

PG - i am smiling at the Lord's delight of you and wanting to hear "the rest of the story." singing w/ you -- love, v.a.

paula gamble said...

yes - he has been particularly precious lately...
thanks for singing with me...
the "rest of the story" - great time, worshiping God with great women while overlooking the crashing waves.
Short but sweet.
love ya back pg