unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Monday, December 14, 2009

We are not what we can conquer...how do you measure your life?

"[When we slow down]
we discover in the center of our own self
that we are not what we can conquer,
but what is given to us."
Henri Nouwen "Out of Solitude"

It's Monday, and naturally I'm out to conquer much. I have my house to clean and decorate for Christmas, financial things to catch up on, dreaming and planning for the launch and focusing in of reFresh in 2010, and facing my own desires for some change. How easy it is to sit and plan and seek to conquer all I desire and/or fear by drafting amazing plans and strategies and to-do lists. How much do I, at the end of the day, determine my value by what I've conquered vs. how much I've received? Indeed, it is much more difficult to open my eyes to enjoy and walk in what a generous God has given me today. If I measured my value by how much I was able to receive and enter into and enjoy...well, I'd feel like a dismal failure.
There's something wrong with that.

I know this: I'm not so good at receiving.
Leonard Sweet says that his inability to receive is the greatest disability he has...because bottom line: that is the gist of following a Savior who saves by grace.

What is He giving you today to enjoy?
Stop, take a few deep breaths, then lay your "to-do" list before Him and ask Him to prioritize and/or add and delete things. And at the end of the day see if you can see if you've lived more as a receiver than a conqueror and if that makes any difference in your life. Please let me know how it goes.


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