unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Eavesdropping like Matt

My friend Matt (of burning hearts revolution fame) and WSN director of the third (or is that 4th) epoch - likes to share his eavesdropping on his blog.

Today at Palio's I heard a guy say he had a miraculously bad night last night - it was a bit of an oxymoron to me, but he seemed all to eager to share the details of why it was a 3 shot morning of espresso: It turns out he got toasted and his date hooked up with a co-worker...I'm not sure which is miraculous and which is bad...you make the call.

Hope the 3 shots of espresso helped!

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