unhurried space... freeing our souls to saunter, linger, frolic and soar in the stream of God's love

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Music to help you Unhurry Up™

Want some soothing music to help you Unhurry Up™?
Try out Ancient Faith radio 
They have some mobile apps too (I have it on my iPhone) -

Here's a little exercise for listening:

1) What one or two words describe how you feel as you come to play this music? (Tired? Busy? Expectant? ???)
2) Put on the music, sit or lie down and close your eyes. Breathe deeply two or three times.
3) Linger with the music, paying attention to what it evokes in you? Can you envision a scene? or does it elicit a longing within you? How do you feel about the scene and/or longing?
4) Maybe pray a simple prayer: "Lord I consent to Your Love." or "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening."
5) Keep breathing deeply. But also let your body respond to the music however it wants...to fall asleep, to tap a toe, to get up and dance.
6) When you feel ready, change your posture, say a quick prayer of thanks to God for this space, and pay attention to how you now feel. What one or two words describe how you feel after stilling and receiving this unhurried space with God?

Would love to hear any feedback of how this goes for you. Blessings!

Unhurry Up™


Friday, September 03, 2010

"Success" in ministry

This is reprinted from the metamorpha blog.
It is really great food for thought re: our criteria for "success" in church planting/ church leadership. What do you think?

What You Need

by Jamin Goggin

I recently came across an interview with a pastor at an influential church in the United States talking about church planting.  The two prongs of the discussion basically covered successes and failures in church planting.  A large portion of the interview was focused on challenges in church planting and conversely what is needed to "succeed" in planting a church.  The pastor gave a list of three things that are clearly needed for success-(1) charismatic leader, (2) leader who can communicate well, and (3) leader who is adept at strategic thinking.

What I first found interesting was the complete collapse of needs into the Senior Pastor.  A gifted person is what is needed most.  Of course, how one defines "success" plays a large role in these perceived needs.  If we are defining success as gathering the most people as quickly as possible to the church then of course a more pragmatic turn is liable to be taken.  Don't get me wrong I understand that if the pastor cannot communicate, is terribly awkward with people or is not a strategic thinker then the church will face challenges.  My problem is not that the pragmatic is considered, but rather that is the sole concern. 

I do not seek to explore my concerns from an ecclesiological perspective.  I have many.  Rather, I want to approach this issue with a spiritual formation lense.  In that vain, what is striking to me is that while the needs of the "successful" church plant are solely wrapped up in a person, the Senior Pastor, the reasons are not spiritually oriented what so over, but rather are purely founded in natural ability.  Meaning what is needed in the leader most is as skill-set not holiness.  It is shocking to me that of the top three things listed the spiritual health and maturity of the pastor is not even mentioned.  So, what are your thoughts?  This impacts other areas.  For example, what do churches look for when they hire a new pastor?  How do we gauge the value and leadership ability of our pastors?

What three things are needed for "success" in ministry?
  1. Love - (1 Cor 13: 1-8, 13; Rev 2: 1-4; Matt 22: 36-40)
  2. Humility (John 13: 12-17) - remember Jesus said, "I will build my church" (Matt 16:18)
  3. Doing what the Father is doing (John 5:19) (resulting in fruits which seems to be revealed through abiding - John 15: 4,16-17)
What do you think? How might we develop Love, Humility/Servanthood and Abiding in ourselves? Who do you know that walks in love, humility and an abiding lifestyle? Follow her! Follow him!


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Take a listen: Wendell Berry, "How to be a Poet"

I love the first words of Berry's poem : "Make a place to sit down...sit down...."

So make a place to sit down, sit down and take a listen to Wendell Berry's poem on "How to be a poet" 

  • Listen to it several times...what words or phrases stand out to you?
  • Ask God, "What in this poem do you want me to pay attention to?"
  • How might you respond in action to God's (via Berry's) invitation?
 Unhurry Up™
